
Sleep medicine

Nothing beats a healthy, deep and restful sleep. Quite a few people, however, suffer from insomnia. This is annoying for you bedmate, but also burdensome for you. When it comes to sleep disorders, we differentiate between primary snoring and sleep apnea syndrome. In addition to snoring, there are also pauses in breathing during sleep. If you do not seek treatment for this disease, fatigue, poor performance, reduced concentration and even high blood pressure are possible consequences. In addition, you expose yourself to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Furthermore, it is very simple: as the person affected, you suffer from the situation, and your quality of life worsens dramatically.

To normalize your sleep, the modern diagnostics and therapy in ENT medicine has a multitude of effective possibilities that we can offer you in our specialized practice at the highest level. We specialize in the diagnostics and treatment of snoring and sleep-related breathing disorders. In a detailed discussion, we analyze your sleeping habits and sleep disorders, and are happy to include the observations of your (long-suffering) bedmate. With the questionnaires developed for this purpose, we can assess and classify the effects of your sleep disorders.

By means of an endoscopic ENT examination, we can diagnose changes in the nose, soft palate and throat relevant to sleep medicine and obtain important information for your therapy. Furthermore, an examination by means of the so-called small sleep laboratory (polygraphy) helps to determine specific clues to your sleep disorder, to differentiate between snoring and sleep apnea syndrome. The small sleep laboratory is a mobile diagnostic device that enables a convenient examination at your home. By means of this examination we register breathing, snoring, pulse and blood oxygen supply. If the subsequent analysis leads to the diagnosis of a severe sleep apnea syndrome, a further examination in our stationary sleep laboratory is necessary. It may also be necessary to adapt a CPAP therapy. CPAP therapy is also commonly known as a sleep mask. If you have a mild or moderate sleep apnea syndrome, we will of course discuss alternative forms of therapy with you. If the syndrome is severe, we recommend either fitting a protrusion splint or surgical interventions.

Surgeries for snoring

We carry out the following interventions for the surgical treatment of sleep apnea:

  • Soft palate tightening (RRPP with and without removal of the tonsils)
  • Radiofrequency treatment of the base of the tongue and the soft palate
  • Turbinate reduction
  • Straightening of the nasal septum


Would you like a consultation?

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Bergmann

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