
An allergy is the body’s reaction to environmentally harmless substances such as plant pollen, dust mites, mold, animal hair or food. In Germany, almost every fifth adult suffers from allergic symptoms. This is annoying and often severely worsens the quality of life. The main symptoms of an allergy are an itchy or runny nose, burning or itchy eyes, or rashes. An untreated allergy often leads to severe complaints, such as allergic asthma.

Adjunct professor Dr. Christoph Bergmann is at your service in our specialized practice as a renowned expert in the field of allergology, active both in research and in the further training of medical colleagues. With his many years of experience, comprehensive diagnostics and therapeutic options, he offers you individual treatment at the highest level.


Diagnostics is always focused on talking to you. In peace and without being pressed for time. Even here, there usually are specific indications of possible allergies and intolerances. For this purpose, we use all common test procedures to identify allergies in our ENT practice. These include the skin prick test, determining allergen-specific antibodies in the blood (RAST CAP TEST) and nasal provocation in the rhinomanometric examination.


The best news is, we can get your allergy under control. Successful therapy is based on three pillars: avoidance, drug therapy, and allergy immunotherapy. The avoidance means that you avoid allergy-causing substances. That sounds banal, but it is effective. Often, however, this does not work in everyday life. There are a number of medications available to relieve allergy symptoms. Antihistamines in the form of tablets, nose sprays or eye drops to block the allergic reaction are tried and tested. Nasal sprays containing cortisone are also particularly effective and have few side effects.

The main treatment is allergy immunotherapy. It is also commonly known as desensitization or allergy vaccination. It is the only form of therapy that specifically fights the causes of the allergy and can completely prevent it in the course of a three-year treatment. This therapy is available to you in the form of injection therapy (SCIT), or you can opt for drops or tablets that are placed under the tongue (SLIT). Only allergy immunotherapy is able to prevent the so-called “change of level”, a further spread of the allergy to the lungs in the form of allergic asthma.

We would be happy to provide you with thorough consultations and develop an individually tailored therapy program. Our allergy diagnosis and treatment programs are strictly based on the guidelines of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology and the Medical Association of German Allergologists.

Would you like a consultation?

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Bergmann

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